A victory for Juana Tejada is a victory for all Filipino migrants

Migrante-Ontario is pleased with the decision of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada to grant Juana Tejada her dying wish to stay in here. Indeed, we recognize this as a victory for Juana, and this also is a victory for all Filipino migrants, especially those who are still under the Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP).

"It has been determined that you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent resident status as a Member of Live-in Caregiver class," read the decision letter dated July 17, 2008.

This decision did not come easy. Juana and her husband were put in a very difficult situation. They had to endure anxiety and emotional letdowns after her application was twice refused because she was diagnosed with terminal illness. But despite frustrations, Juana remained persistent and confident. Through her lawyer, she challenged the previous decisions, and subsequently made an appeal on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

"This victory is our community's victory. It is a victory for other Juana Tejadas out there, it is a victory for all Filipino migrants," said Marco Luciano of Migrante. "It's a very significant step towards our campaign for the fundamental changes to the LCP," he added.

While we celebrate this triumph, we remain vigilant. There are reasons to be so especially after the recent passing of the Bill C-50. This new policy seeks "to make it impossible for immigrants to determine not just the conditions of their work, but also of their own lives in Canada."

"We cannot allow this to happen again to others. No live-in caregiver should ever have to go through this harrowing process, like Juana Tejada did," Rafael Fabregas, Juana's lawyer, said in a statement released yesterday. "In recognition of their contributions and sacrifices, they deserve a more certain future," he added.

As we have said, Juana deserves the right to permanent residency. Since she arrived in Canada in 2003, she surmounted every difficulty working under the LCP – all in the service of a Canadian family, and by extension, in the service of Canadian society.

Again, while celebrate this victory, we remain vigilant and determined to pursue our campaign for fundamental changes to the LCP. Certainly, we stand firm and resolute in our commitment to continue our fight for justice, and for the rights and welfare of all Filipino migrants.